Une intervention sur le serveur d’authentification est programmée jeudi 13 mars entre 11h30 et 13h.
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For four decades, wide and deep spectroscopic surveys have been a major tool for extragalactic studies. From precursor surveys with a few hundred galaxies (such as the CFRS in the 1990s) to current projects aimed at collecting several million z>1 redshifts (such as Euclid, PFS), several generations of increasingly deep and massive spectroscopic surveys have revolutionised our understanding of the universe. They have enabled detailed studies, on statistically significant samples, of galaxy evolution processes such as star formation, mass assembly, merging and interaction with the environment in a cosmological context. Advances in instrumentation have pushed observational limits, now allowing us to probe the epoch of reionization with unprecedented large samples of objects. With the current generation of large spectroscopic surveys about to begin, we are now entering the era of precision cosmology. These surveys will profoundly improve our understanding of dark matter, dark energy and of the detailed physics of galaxies in relation to their local (circumgalactic) and large-scale intergalactic environments. Olivier Le Fèvre has pioneered, led and tirelessly promoted several of the largest spectroscopic surveys to date. He has been at the forefront of these scientific topics for decades. This conference is a tribute to his legacy.
Important dates
The meeting will be held from July 4 to 8 at the 'Palais des Arts', Marseille
Abstract submission deadline : April 30th
The program will be split into four large sessions, with reviews in two parts, the first one being general on the topic, and the second one focusing on Olivier Le Fèvre's legacy
General Introduction : M. Dickinson (NOIRLab) / Tribute : B. Garilli (INAF)
Galaxy evolution : J. Kartaltepe (Rochester) / L. Tresse (LAM)
High z galaxies : L. Pentericci (INAF) / P. Cassata (University of Padova)
LSS : C. Baugh (Durham) / O. Cucciati (INAF)
Cosmo : J. Peacock (IoA Edimburgh) / S. de La Torre (LAM)
Scientific Organization Committee
K. Caputi (University of Groningen), T. Contini (IRAP), M. Dickinson (NOAO), R. Ellis (Caltech), A. Fontana (INAF), Bianca Garilli (INAF), S. Lilly (ETH Zurich), C. Maraston (University of Portsmouth), Y. Mellier (IAP), Roser Pello (LAM), N. Palanque-Delabrouille (IRFU/CEA), A. Pollo (Jagiellonian University, Krakow), Jason Rhodes (JPL), D. Schaerer (University of Geneva), N. Scoville (Caltech), G. Zamorani (Bologna Observatory),